domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007

Comic Market Report

So Comic Market 72 went very well for us. We sold out of every issue of Fandomain 7 and every copy of the Sound Effect Dictionary. I think our location was good, there was a lot of traffic. The display was simple but eye-catching (Mayumi's idea). And I think a lot of people were wondering about Marvel's Civil War. Let's hope they are just as curious about World War Hulk, cuz that's our next main feature.

Was it worth losing all that sleep? HELL, YES!!

Now it's back to the grind!

Almost forgot!

New pic diary pic!
I remember when there was a monster movie marathon on while we were visiting Grandma in St. Lou. I can't remember how old I was, but I do remember that "The Blob" was gonna be on and I really wanted to see it. The movie theater scene was the bestest! Thass sum scary stuff!!

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